Tonight we had a very scary moment in our house. Malachi has become quite the climber in his new found independence of walking and running. He loves to be on top of things, even if its just standing on a book or sitting on a blanket instead of the floor. He just loves it. Not sure why, but hey whatever works. Well tonight he ran down the hall ahead of me and instead of turning into the living room, he went over to a very large wooden bench that we had blocking a doorway and proceeded to climb it. Before I could get down the hallway to see where he went, there was a thud, crash, bang, followed by ear piercing screams and the most heart wrenching cry you have ever heard. Malachi, using those baby hulk powers that he has along with his winter powers, managed to pull the entire bench that weighs a good 30lbs down on top of him, as he hit the ceramic tile under him, head first. Thank God, he isnt hurt. Not even a bump on his head. A few bruises and a few little scrapes on his cheek. But he is fine. I always say that his little guardian angels wear combat boots just like his daddy's have to. But honestly, that should have been really bad. I cant even...
Its moments like that, where life stands still for a second, that you really stop and think about whats important. The little moments that we miss so easily because we are so caught up in the every day. That little boy is the most precious thing in the world to me, and something like that, could have ended so differently. This season of motherhood is so hard and its nonstop. The nights are long and the cries are loud. Sleep is far spread and life feels like a marathon that just never really ends. I feel like even the few moments that I do have to myself arent truly my own because they are spent cleaning up after or washing clothes for or hoping and praying for this little person. It is tiring and draining and some days I feel like I could scream because I just need a minute to breathe and not be "mum-mum". But when I rounded that corner and I saw my precious little boy pinned under something far larger and far stronger than he is, I didn't want to be anything or anyone but "mum-mum".

So to all you moms out there that are tired and worn out. The ones who have more tears than giggles in this season of life. The ones who, like me, feel like the marathon will never end.
This too shall pass. Sleep will come and the midnight cries will soften. The giggles will get louder than the tears and life will look a little different. Be thankful for the moments you have in the silence of night where its just you and that precious little one quietly walking or rocking or whatever works in that moments and take it in. Things happen so quickly and life goes so fast. Enjoy every moment. Even the hard ones.
Tonight we go to bed thankful for a God who protects our sweet boy and hears our prayers. So thankful for this beautiful, tiring life that we live. And ready for whatever tomorrow, or in our case tonight, may bring. Because hard as it may be, this too shall pass. Sleep will come and the midnight cries will soften. The giggles will get louder than the tears and our life will look a little different. Tonight we go to bed thankful for today.