Sunday, December 7, 2014

Oh Malachi | Nine Months | Personal

Hey sweet boy,

Nine months old. Those words sound so big. Nine months. You are growing so nicely. I cant even wrap my mind around the fact that you are so quickly approaching a year old. It seems like just yesterday you were our newborn baby and now you are a giggling, exploring ever busy little boy.

The last month has held so many changes for you. So many milestones, so many new things to learn and see and do. You are so much more than we ever thought you would be. You have surpassed even our greatest expectations for you and you are only nine months old. According to the pediatrician you have already surpassed the twelve to fifteen month milestones, so she wasnt sure what to tell us to look for next haha!! She said to just keep teaching and watching and to enjoy every moment. So thats what we are doing.

You weighed in at 21lbs 10.5oz and 30 inches long. That puts you in the 85% for your weight, 95% for your height and your head is still way up there in the 99+%. You are such a big boy!! You arent gaining as much weight nearly as fast since you started crawling and walking. You are so lean and tall now. And solid muscle. You are so strong. You are in all 12 months clothes now, with all 18 month pajamas. You are in size 3 shoes or 6-9 month shoes depending on the store. You are in size 4 diapers and we have had to start using overnight diapers at night because the regular ones just dont do the job anymore. You will wear footy pajamas for us now which is a big help with it being completely freezing outside and you arent as bothered by the faces on your feet as you were when we first started putting them on you. One step at a time buddy. One step at a time.

You are a crawling machine. You go so fast its hard to catch up to you sometimes. You stand up on anything and everything. Walls, tables, chairs, the refrigerator, the back of my leg haha. And!! The biggest milestone of them all this month!!! You walk now!! All by yourself and without holding on to anything. You just go. We still fall sometimes, we are learning our balance and not getting ahead of your own feet, but you are up and moving. You are just the best little man.

You are also a very talkative little boy. We have a small vocabulary now which is awesome. We say mum-mum and mum, dada and daddy, hi, yeah, no and yea. We are still working on connecting the words to their actual meanings but for the most part you are right on track with it. Your dad was sick this past week and couldnt be super close to you for a few days. You had a really rough night dealing with gas on thursday night and you were laying on the bed holding your stomach and screaming daddy. It was heart breaking but to see you make that connection and reach for him as soon as you heard his voice was one of the most precious things I have ever experienced.

Your personality is ridiculously adorable. You are such a happy boy and you make the cutest faces. You are so expressive and you smile with your eyes. Those eyebrows still give you away every single time you are doing something ornery or just down right adorable. You are such a flirt and you know how to get what you want. You wave hi and bye and will do so to everyone you see. Going to the grocery store with you is an adventure for sure. You make friends with just about everyone around you. You made very good friends with an older gentleman in the refrigerated section at walmart last week. You held his had and smiled at him and just loved on him. It warmed my heart because even at 9 months old you knew he needed a friend. You are just the best. You are definitely a mama's boy though. You are cautious of new people and you really cling to me which, not gunna lie, I love. I would be okay if you were like that for quite a while.

You still have all my coloring and you are built just like me, but you are really starting to look a little more like your dad the bigger you get. I see a lot more of his features coming out in you. You have a lot of his personality traits so maybe thats why its easier to see him in you, but I really feel like the older you get, the more of a hybrid of the two of us you become. Your eyes are so very blue and your hair is still so very blonde. Your skin is fair and your ears are tiny. You have two teeth and the corner of another one. Your giggle is infectious and your smile is even more so. You're just beautiful Malachi.

Your favorite things to play with have changed the bigger that you get. You like things that are more interactive. You love love love to build blocks and knock them down. And your walking toy is probably your very favorite thing right now. You play this game with your dad where you start at one end of the room and run at him with it and every time you run into him he rolls and makes a crashing noise and you just laugh and laugh. Once you make it all the way across the room, he turns you around and starts again haha!! You love books and will sit and turn the pages and look at the pictures for close to an hour sometimes. You love to study things and learn how they work. You still love your learn and grow house and your cube and you are still all about Mickey Mouse. You also really love Doc McStuffins and much to my disdain, Elmo. But hey, whatever works.

Malachi. You dance now. And it's the sweetest, most wonderful thing I have ever seen. You bounce to the music when you're up on your knees and I love that you actually catch the beat every time. If your standing up you shake your little butt from side to side and bounce away. You turn your radio on your little house on and dance away. You even know which songs are your favorites and which buttons turn them on. You definitely have rhythm which I'm very thankful for haha. You dance. And it's my favorite. My very very favorite.

You sleep great now!! Most nights we get 10 to 11 hour nights and 2 naps during the day. You go to bed closer to 9:00 now and you sleep really well when you arent gassy. You hate formula now, which is awesome for us, but we still manage to get what you need into you each day. You are eating almost two full jars of baby food at a sitting now and snack like crazy in between. You love HappyMoms rice cakes, puffs and yogi bites. And you are all about the Baby Mum Mum rice husk cookies. You like to feed yourself now as much as possible and you also like to bite things in half before you eat them. We are slowly introducing solids and moving towards weaning you off of baby food all together. Ill be a little sad when that happens not going to lie. You are just growing so nice and so fast. Just stay my baby for a little while longer, okay?

Malachi, being your mom is the greatest thing I ever done. You are the pride of my every day, the joy in my eyes and you hold the very deepest part of my heart. Watching you grow, I cant help but be so humbled that God has trusted me with you. You are so small, but you love Jesus and his presence is your very favorite place to be. Even on your toughest days, hearing your daddy worship gives you such peace and that just blows me away. We are striving to teach you what is right and showing you that even when you have to learn a lesson that is hard, it is worth knowing the difference between what is right and what is wrong. I want you to always know that God is great and the world is a beautiful place. You are such an incredible picture of Gods grace and mercy in our lives and for that I will always be grateful. You are our everything and I cannot wait to see the plans that The Lord has for you happen in our every day.  You were born for greatness sweet boy. Never ever forgot that.

Merry First Christmas and Happy Nine Months, my sweet boy. Our moments are so much more magical because of you.

All my love,
Your Mama

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