You are pure sweetness. There is nothing else that I can say about you at this age. As the days roll on, you just get all the sweeter. Each day is different than the day before and you are just a little bigger and a little more you.
Your personality. Oh my. You are the best kid I know, and Im not even biased. Well a little, but in all seriousness we get the same remarks from everyone that meets you. You are a happy, joyful, loving, fun little boy. You make friends with everyone and you are the life of the party wherever we go. You make the best faces!! Your smile lights up a room and this new concerned angry face that you have discovered this month is my absolute favorite. You furrow those little eyebrows and push those little lips out. Its the best. You also have this open mouth concerned face that you make when you know you are doing something wrong. And then you proceed to run away. Literally.
But my favorite thing that you do now, is that you play. You will sit and use your imagination and play with things. You drive your cars around the room and explore everything you see. You want to know how things work and why. You are still a nosy boy and you have to look and know and see how everything works. You got a bunch of new stuff for christmas so you have so much to keep you busy now and I love it. It is so fun to see you figure out the world around you. Your current favorite toy is your pirate ship that your dada and I got you for Christmas. It has tons of buttons that make different sounds and play different songs and because Jake and the Neverland Pirates is one of your favorite shows, it really helps that you recognize the characters on the ship and talk with them.
Your current favorite pass time is looking out the window. You will stand there and just look around. Growl at the people that pass by. Yell at the cars. Talk to the birds. You absolutely love it. You also love being out and about. I think because there is so much that is new to see when we are out, you just do so well with it! You sit in the buggy and just explore and look around at all the people and stuff. You love going to the outlets because it is a nice mix of store and being outside, but with it now being so frigid around here, I dont know that you will venture back to the outlets until spring breaks. You are still all about books. Now that you are more interactive, you point at the different pictures and you recognize when we tell you what to look at. Baby, doggie, things of that nature. Again. So stinking smart. You are into everything. I think it has a lot to do with that part of you that likes to explore that I mentioned earlier, but regardless, we have to watch you when you arent in your play rooms. If something is moved or out of place you catch it. Oh, Malachi. What are we going too do with you?
You also love to play this new game that we like to call Binky Diving. You will see a binky on the floor from across the room and run towards it, let yourself fall, dive face first, and then pick the binky up with your face. If you see another binky laying a foot away you spit out the one in your mouth and repeat the process all over again. It is quite entertaining to watch little one. Let me tell you.
You are an eating machine! You are now eating a fairly decent amount of solid foods and we are expanding what you eat every day!! You hit two jars a food a sitting so we had a pretty good idea that it was time to move on to solids. We hit up the baby snacks sale at Babies R Us this weekend and got you some fun new stuff to try. You eat all organic snacks from Plum and Happy Moms brands so I dont feel bad about giving you your food at all!! You love their little cereal bars and of course puffs and yogi bites are always a winner with you. You love mashed potatoes and we got the Baby Bullet Veggie Steamer the week before Christmas so we are working on introducing steamed veggies to you. You love bread and some pasta, depending on whats on it. You are all about eating though. You would eat all day if we let you!!! You only take two 8 ounce bottles a day now, so I dont think phasing you off of formula is going to be a difficult task at all. You love water and you drink out of a sippy cup like a rock star. You dont like holding it much though. I think that its partial laziness. We are working on it :)
You love music. You just dance and dance. You have various dance moves too. You love to shake your little butt back and forth and you wiggle your whole little self. You hear music and you smile. Your nonna likes to say that you have music in your bones and I think she says that perfectly. You hear it and smile. You still have your favorite shows. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is still the winner most times, but you also love Jake and the Neverland Pirates and we are on a major Sprout kick around here. Any show on their catches your eye. I love Luna. But you dont really care. You just like it on haha.
Also. When you sit next to Duffy, he looks small now. It makes my heart sad and happy all at the same time. Duffy used to be bigger than you. I can't even wrap my head around how big you are.
You say mama, dada, Hi, yea and yeah. You shake your head no and wave your hands no no. You point at everything under the sun and you also point to tell us what you want now. You grab your belly when you are hungry, and you have quite the temper that has developed in the last month or so. You are determined which makes for a few sharp "no"s from your dad and I and I can only imagine what the next year of our life is going to look like haha!! You have gotten down your bed time routine but you havent been doing the best at sleeping through the night. You did great for about a week straight, 11 hours straight through every night but the lat 4 days have been a little rougher. I dont know if its these dang teeth that wont come in or what, but you just havent enjoyed being in your bed. We are surviving though. You still only have two teeth but you have four others that are desperately trying to make their appearance. And for your dad and I's sanity, we hope they come through soon!!! You wave hi and bye. You give kisses and your nonna taught you to blow kisses a week or so ago!! You do such a good job buddy!!
You celebrated your first Christmas this month. It was so much fun. Fun doesnt even begin to describe it. You loved tearing through the paper. You loved seeing all your new toys. You even helped us open our presents most of the time! For us, it brought the magic back to Christmas. Seeing it all through your little eyes of wonder. You did a great job of staying out of the tree for being so little. We had to watch you carefully, but for your age? Kid you're a rockstar. You loved looking at all the lights and you even went to see Santa! You didnt cry at all. You were more confused than anything, but you actually took to him pretty well. Next year will be an adventure for sure!! We started so many new traditions with you. On Christmas Eve you got to open a special gift from your dada and I that had a new Christmas story to read and your special Christmas Eve pajamas. All three of us had matching pjs for Christmas morning. It was my favorite part of Christmas this year.
Malachi watching your little self grow and develop into the little person you have become is such an honor. I treasure my every day with you because of who you are. You are a loving, ind, sweet, gentle little boy and I hope and pray that the world never takes that away from you. I want you to always know that you are safe here and that you never need to be anything other than who you are. Even when the world does its best to make you hard, stay soft. Its who you are meant to be. Watching the world come to life in your little eyes makes me see things differently. It makes me slow down and enjoy the little moments more and treasure every single second that I get with you. Each of my days with you is a gift, and I know that. God has trusted me with your beautiful little spirit for the time that you are on this earth and your dad and I dont take that lightly. Raising someone like you is a responsibility and its one that we treasure. I will protect your calling every day of your life Malachi. I promise you that. You are loved little boy. From the deepest parts of our hearts you are loved. Nothing will ever change that.
Happy Ten Months, little man.
All my love,
Your mama
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